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1st Annual Ice Fishing Package Weekend a success

Despite the cold temperatures everyone had fun this weekend with ice fishing. We had 4 people here this weekend; a husband and wife & a father and son. This was everyone’s first time trying ice fishing and were great troopers with the cold weather. John took them out on the ice and drilled holes for them and showed them the “how to’s” of ice fishing. The ice is about 15 inches thick right now. Friday night we had a fish fry with what they had caught (plus some that John had stock piled the week before). No need to wait for an ice fishing package, you’re welcome anytime. The fish are waiting!

Greg keeping the hole free of ice.

John showing Mark how to use the Vexilar

John and Merril dressed for the cold

Nothing more satisfying than eating fresh fish that you caught.

This is what was left over.

1st Annual Ice Fishing Package Weekend a success2011-01-23T20:58:40+00:00

Caption Contest

Each year we hang a fun photo on the bulletin board and let people give a caption for it. We thought we would share this years photo and all the great captions guests gave.

It's never too late to add a caption. Do it via "leave a comment"

I knew I was in trouble when mom named me Jonah.-Phyllis Wlos

“Is he gone?” -Brenden Malmgren

“humph, first I misplace my glasses, now I can’t find my son.” -Mary Allen

“Don’t worry, it’s over. Bzzzzzzt. -Mitchell Zook

Mom, Mom—Where did you go? -Steve Quickert

Hey Mom! This Halloween costume is too big! -Gene Wengert

Can you hear me now? – Sandy Carlson

Mom, are we there yet? – Betsy Ogan

No one will find me in here.—Meghan Berther

“You scratch my back, I scratch yours.” – Kyle Freeman

“Marco!” “Polo!” – Lisa Kopp

Fish Infant Carrier—Mary Valsa

“Peek-a-boo Meet my new body-guard” – Tom Franklin

Caption Contest2010-10-16T17:15:10+00:00

Geocache is put away for the season

John and I took advantage of the beautiful fall day today (before the chance of snow later this week hits) to collect the geocache boxes. The pink cache gave us a big challenge since it had been moved 45 feet from where I placed it this spring. nut our treasure hunting skills paid off and we finally found it. It was fun to read the comments in the log book in the purple cache box. Here’s some of them for you to read:

“What a memorable day!”  Steve, Molly, Susie and Charlie Currey 6/28/10

“Crazy bug adventure!”  Matt Wiedholz and Danielle O’Connell 7/5/10

“This was awesome but challenging.”  Will and Spencer 7/20/10

“It was very hard.” Alex Moore 7/28/10

“It was awesome” Bridget and Maddy 8/15/10

“Team work brought success.” Walley, Kay, Ron and Laurie 8/22/10

“This trail was fun. I love it.” Corinne Giersch 9/4/10

Picking up the orange cache.

Following the compass.

Geocache is put away for the season2010-10-16T16:31:46+00:00

Photos from Jim Zajac

The photos I promised over a week ago are finally getting posted. They arrived via email the day I left town. Sorry for the delay. Thanks to Jim Zajac for sending these pictures to me. Enjoy! I don’t know the size of the musky’s they caught. They were fishing with live suckers.

The beginning of fall colors. They have since peaked and are beginning to fall.

Jim was able to capture the double rainbow.

Fishing at sunset.

This was the sunset the same night as the rainbow.

Jeff's musky.

Jim's musky.

Photos from Jim Zajac2010-10-05T18:41:11+00:00

Beautiful fall day

Thanks to Ed from sunset Texas for these great fall photo shots!

View of the beach dock

Great day to be on the water fishing.

The blue heron is also looking for fish

Beautiful fall day2010-09-27T14:51:05+00:00

The last picnic of 2010

It’s always sad to have the last picnic of the season. even with all the great rain we had this year it only rained on the picnic once all summer. Thanks to the rec building, even on that day we didn’t have to cancel. 60 people at the picnic today, new guests along with returning guests made for a great mixture of people!

 We had the best corn of the season today. Yum! 11 more months before we can have it again. So sad!  Next week we switch over to coffee hour with homemade coffee cake.

The sun was trying to peek out and finally made it at the end of the picnic. So the warmth of the grill felt good.

Making new friends!

That's a plate full of brats!

The Koenke family enjoying spending time together.

The younger set having fun in the sand.

John having a pep talk with Lucas and Adele on taking their first steps at White Birch Village.

The last picnic of 20102010-08-24T15:43:10+00:00

Feeding the chipmunks

Lydia letting the chipmunks crawl onto her back to get their peanut snack.

The chipmunks are out in full force this year and tamer than ever. They are our official greeting committee when people pull into the driveway!

Feeding the chipmunks2010-08-06T17:20:25+00:00

Picnic followed by raspberry picking

Another great picnic. 65 people in attendance with great food and sharing vacation stories.

Loading up the grill!

So much good food to choose from. My favorite of the day was the sweet and sour watermelon salad!

4 generations of the Steinmetz/Arndt family enjoying the picnic.

The berms behind the picnic pavilion are loaded with wild raspberries.

Great ending to a good meal....fresh picked raspberries!

Picnic followed by raspberry picking2010-07-21T10:47:23+00:00

First Corn Boil

The first corn of the season arrived this week. It sure did taste good. It was a beautiful day for a picnic!

Corns Ready! John moving the big kettle so he can scoop out the corn. We've got the fire down to an exact science. It takes 16 pieces of hardwood and 16 pieces of pine to get the fire hot enough.

Scooping out the corn.

Having fun in the sand while the parents are grilling.

Great sand castle Andrea, Jake and Joshua.

Foods Ready! All of it was delicious!

First Corn Boil2010-07-18T10:22:04+00:00

Great game of volleyball!

Three families got together today to play volleyball. It was the guys against the gals.

The gals....

and the guys. Even with only 3 guys against 5 gals they were ahead 9 to 7.

Great game of volleyball!2010-07-12T19:29:52+00:00
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