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More Charlie

It took them all week because everyone beat them to it, but Kevin and Lucas finally found Charlie. Yeah! 

They stuck with it and in the end found Charlie!


Holly was the most dedicated Charlie hunter all week! One day she spent 3 hours looking for him and found him in one of the hardest hiding places all summer. Way to go Holly!!!


Friday night I thought we were done with Charlie for the day (he had been found 4 times already). But this group was not going to let the day go by untill they found him. They were so excited you could hear them all over the resort chanting "We found Charlie."

More Charlie2010-07-31T19:00:13+00:00

Campfire time

Ended another beautiful day enjoying the campfire.

Roasting marshmallows and pudgy pies


Tetherball in the dark?

John lighting sparklers for all the kids.

Campfire time2010-07-29T20:24:11+00:00

More Charlie adventures

Congratulations Mason for finding Charlie. He wasn't even looking for Charlie, but stumbled across him.

Mason wanted to hide Charlie where he'd be found when people went to the picnic.

and that's just what happened. Paul found Charlie and brought him to the picnic.

Charlie was hid in the old fireplace at the beach. Due to the power outage I was unable to print the picture and clue. But that didn't matter......

....another Mason found him without the help of a clue. He was soooo proud of himself!

Reese found Charlie last night and took care of him until today when she could hide him.

Reese's dad thought she hid it in too easy of a spot, but Charlie has remained there all day.

More Charlie adventures2010-07-29T20:03:57+00:00

Storms and Power Outages

Tuesday evening we had a strong line of storms hit the area. There were tornado warnings in effect so we alerted the entire resort and offered the basement of the lodge for shelter. Out of the 17 vacation homes 13 of them took us up on the offer. By 8PM the power was out and didn’t come back on for 20 hours. One of the hardest hit areas was just down the road in Star Lake. North Star Lodge lost 20 large trees on their property. We feel very fortunate that we only lost a few small trees along our hiking trail.

Waiting out the storm

Huddled together....even the dogs were joining in the fun

Doorways were full!

Camping out on blankets

Most everyone was in the game room, but we had overflow in the laundry area

Keeping some of the dogs barricaded in the housekeeping closet.

Making memories!

Storms and Power Outages2010-07-29T19:46:19+00:00

95 People at Picnic!

We had the largest picnic of the year today….95 people! The rain held out with only a couple of drops…who knew then that we would all be gathered again that night in the game room.

Catching up with everyone while the meat was grilling

The Wengerts and Moores enjoying their meal

That's a full table!

Enjoying family time together

Aidan and Aidan playing ladderball

Lots of GREAT desserts

95 People at Picnic!2010-07-27T20:11:27+00:00

Beautiful day at the beach

Everyone enjoyed the beautiful weather at the beach today. At one point there had to be almost 50 people at the beach!

sunbathing, bean toss game, laughter and more

Fun on the tire swing

Friends and family catching up since last years WBV vacation

Beautiful day at the beach2010-07-26T20:14:13+00:00

Busy Busy Charlie

Congratulations to Haley, Anna and Olivia for finding Charlie today.

It took the girls 2 days to find Charlie

Poor Charlie's laying on his side in his new hiding spot.

Busy Busy Charlie2010-07-25T17:22:46+00:00

Tree Trimming

Time for some pruning of the trees.

Chris dragging the limbs up the hill.

Loading down the dump truck to bring to the burn pile!

Tree Trimming2010-07-25T10:58:01+00:00

The Smiling Rock!

Randy found a rock on the property that has such a great grin on it I had to share it with you.

It even looks like it's winking at you!

The Smiling Rock!2010-07-23T21:39:43+00:00
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