More Charlie
It took them all week because everyone beat them to it, but Kevin and Lucas finally found Charlie. Yeah!
It took them all week because everyone beat them to it, but Kevin and Lucas finally found Charlie. Yeah!
Ended another beautiful day enjoying the campfire.
Tuesday evening we had a strong line of storms hit the area. There were tornado warnings in effect so we alerted the entire resort and offered the basement of the lodge for shelter. Out of the 17 vacation homes 13 of them took us up on the offer. By 8PM the power was out and didn’t come back on for 20 hours. One of the hardest hit areas was just down the road in Star Lake. North Star Lodge lost 20 large trees on their property. We feel very fortunate that we only lost a few small trees along our hiking trail.
We had the largest picnic of the year today….95 people! The rain held out with only a couple of drops…who knew then that we would all be gathered again that night in the game room.
Everyone enjoyed the beautiful weather at the beach today. At one point there had to be almost 50 people at the beach!
Congratulations to Haley, Anna and Olivia for finding Charlie today.
Time for some pruning of the trees.
More great photos turned in this week. Here’s the winning photo.
Randy found a rock on the property that has such a great grin on it I had to share it with you.