Klondike Days
Klondike Days is a family oriented gala event in Eagle River featuring a variety of turn-of-the-century activities. Enjoy our pictures from yesterday.
Klondike Days is a family oriented gala event in Eagle River featuring a variety of turn-of-the-century activities. Enjoy our pictures from yesterday.
You couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day for the 2nd annual Winter Fest in Boulder Junction. Winter Fest was held on Boulder Lake and all proceeds are used to help maintain all boat landings on Boulder Junction area lakes. There was an ice fishing contest, ice golf and driving contest, snowshoe relays and tug-of-war, and snow baseball. Free chili, hot dogs, cookies and hot chocolate was served all day.
4 holes of ice golf using clubs and a tennis ball. Next winter there just may be an ice golf course on White Birch Lake!
Over 50 people tried their hand for the prize for the longest golf drive. Using a driver and a tennis ball, the winning drive was 238 feet.
For all the fisherman we thought you would enjoy seeing the aerator that is placed at the Ballard/Irving boat landing each winter to keep our 3 lakes oxygenated.The Ballard, Irving, White Birch lakes association maintains the aerator all winter long.
Just north of Boulder Junction off County Road B is the Catheryn Wolter Nature Conservatory. This wilderness area consists of 2,189 acres of northern forest and 15 lakes and ponds. The lakes and surrounding forests provide habitat for many native plants and wildlife, including loons, otters, fishers, bear and timber wolves. The preserve is open to the public from sunrise to sunset for hiking, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, birdwatching,a nd other low impact recreational activities.
We snowshoed there today and they have a 2.5 and 5.2 mile loop you can go on. It was a beautiful trail. We look forward to going this summer and enjoying it during a different season.
Thanks to my great guide, John, I found the nature trail today. We came upon two otter runs, they sure do like to play in the snow!
Thanks to our guests who are here for the Valentine’s Weekend package we have pictures of John and I on the lake. Thanks Dave!
What an adventure I had today. I woke up this morning to a beautiful day outside so I decided to get my exercise snowshoeing instead of working out on the Wii. I decided to snowshoe the nature trail that goes around White Birch Lake. I was going to snowshoe to the old boat landing and then walk the lake back. Well best laid plans do not always work out the way we expect them to. At first the trail was very easy to follow, especially since I had coyote tracks to follow.
So on I continued, but found I lost the nature trail very quickly.
I spent a lot of time going up and down ridges trying to find the nature trail, but no luck. If you were to follow my tracks you would think I was making video for America Funniest Home Videos!!! But it was a beuatiful day with beautiful sights like the one below.
I finally came upon the sink hole and realized I was on the wrong side of it! The nature trail was all the way on the other side and up the ridge. So it was off to find Hwy K and walk the road to the old boat landing. Iwas determined to make it to the lake!
Well with perseverance and 1 1/2 hours later I made it to the old boat landing and crossed the lake back to the resort. You won’t want to follow my route if you take the nature trail. What a workout!