It’s been a busy day at the village. We started our day at 5:30 this morning getting ready for the 18th Journey’s Marathon. The starting line for this Boston Marathon Qualifier begins at the resort. There were 102 full marathon runners this year. It’s fun talking with everyone in the morning and seeing the excitement build as the race is about to start. They begin with reading the Irish blessing and singing America the Beautiful. It was a beautiful morning today with the sun shining and the temp around 46 degrees.

Warming up in the rec building.

More stretching going on in the fitness center.

Getting ready to line up for the start of the race.

The wheelers are the first to start.

And they are off.

Beautiful day for a race.
Later in the morning we found this huge log under the bridge at the beach. Should be interesting removing it. Our dock day crew has an added bonus waiting for them on Tuesday; getting the log unstuck from under the bridge.

In the late 1800’s there used to be a railroad bridge that went across the lake during the lumber years. There are still a few pilings on the bottom of the lake. Well there is one less as of today. One somehow made it’s way under the bridge.

It’s about 8 feet long. Should be interesting getting it out after a hundred years under water.
To round out the day the Friesema’s who are staying with us this weekend decided after participating in the 5K of the Journeys Marathon they also needed to be the first to swim in the lake!

Randy, Kelly and Katie Friesema our first guests of the season also decided to be the first guest to swim in the lake. Water temps are around 40 degrees since the ice just went out this week.


Thankfully the sun was shining and not much breeze.