2017 Ice Out Contest
The Surf is up and Charlie is on the ice!
It’s time for the 2017 Ice Out Contest, will you be this year’s winner?
We’d love to have you be a part of our Ice Out Contest. Send us an email at [email protected] with the DATE and TIME that you think Charlie will fall through the ice. Or you can leave a comment here. All guesses are due by March 12th. The person whose date and time is the closest will be the winner and get their name on our Ice Out Contest plaque. If Charlie falls through the ice during the night the date will be credited to the next day. Sue and John will be at sport shows March 7-13, but Scott will be keeping an eye on him for us.
With the warmer temps a week ago Charlie thought it was already time to go swimming, so he dressed appropriately 🙂
We’ll begin posting updates when there are changes to the ice. Have fun everyone! Get your guesses into us soon.

Thanks to some of the kids from our church who had fun getting their picture taken with Charlie be fore he went out on the ice.

Charlie’s looking pretty dapper.

Staying cool.

There’s still plenty of ice on the lake.