Haulin’ Snow
With the high amount of snow we had this year, John had to bite the bullet and rent a bobcat for the day. He’s been hauling snow since 7:30 this morning to allow the water lines to thaw quicker.
With the high amount of snow we had this year, John had to bite the bullet and rent a bobcat for the day. He’s been hauling snow since 7:30 this morning to allow the water lines to thaw quicker.
The snow keeps falling in the Northwoods. John is guessing we have had around 120 inches of snow this year and 6 more fell last night. All you can say is it’s beautiful outside. With the high amounts of snow the water tables should be looking good this year. But it also brings it’s challenges. John has been busy digging pathways so we can get into the homes to spring clean. He’s even debating renting a bobcat to start hauling snow.
Enjoy the pictures 🙂
We have a mama duck with 13 ducklings swimming in the creek. It’s been a few years since we’ve had the opportunity to watch the ducklings. Enjoy the pictures.
This little guy was fun to watch. He was determined to swim up the rocks. He’d dive under water and surface over and over again. But the water current was just too strong for him.
Would you believe snow in June?
Is it or isn’t it?
Sure looks like it, doesn’t it?
Truth is, it’s not. The poplar trees have had an amazing seed producing year. We’ve never seen so many seed tufts fall like they have this year. I guess mother nature didn’t want us to forget too quickly what snow looks like and had to give us the sense that snow was still on the ground.
Our son, Brian and his girlfriend Missy were up visiting for a couple of days. They love to take the canoe out and fish area lakes. They shared some of the wildlife photos they took while fishing, along with some of the fishing success they had.
What a wonderful sight the high water is! It has been at least 10 years since we have seen the flowage with so much water in it. the wildlife is enjoying it. There are ducks, geese, cranes and fish everywhere this spring enjoying the wetlands. We were hoping the beaver would work on the beaver dam and they did. If the rain continues to fall in a normal pattern this year the flowage should be canoe-able all summer.
With this years spring melt our water levels look great. Let’s hope we get a good rainfall this spring and into the summer to keep the water levels looking this good. On another note…..Charlie is still hanging on.