Mother nature was at her finest in the Northwoods. 16 inches of snow came down yesterday and today. A lovely wet heavy snow has blanketed the resort. The entire area has broken many records this year; many of the records were set in either the 1920’s or 30’s. We are easily pushing 130 inches of snow this winter in our immediate area. For those of you who are already enjoying spring, think warm thoughts as you look at the pictures.

Even the shovels got buried.

Area around the resort ranged from 12″ to 19″ where drifts were.

We always get great drifts between the lodge and Red Oaks from the wind off the lake.

Winter Wonderland once again.

All of the snow piles John worked so diligently to remove with the bobcat last week have returned.

The snow from the driveway in front of Loon and Mallard created this 10 foot + mound of snow.

Fences are buried!

Poor Charlie is buried once again.