Last night after a full day of spring cleaning John and I went canoeing. What a beautiful night it was. The temperature was 75 degrees with wind to keep the bugs away. The water levels are high in the flowage/Bob’s Lake and the water plants haven’t started yet, so we could get around easily. We were entertained the entire time with all the wildlife. Enjoy all the photos.

Water, wonderful water!

We saw several mergansers.

Neat bunch of pine cones.

The beaver dam at the back end of the flowage.

There are a lot of new branches and logs in the dam. The beaver have been busy! That is White Birch Creek flowing over the dam. The creek continues flowing into White Sand Lake.

The view of the flowage from the beaver dam.

Two swans was the special treat of the night. We happened to be out canoeing as they were migrating through.

It was fun watching the swans and goose.

It was fun listening to them trumpet.

An active beaver dam.

The opening to Bob’s Lake with mud hens swimming.

You can tell we were in a marsh with all the red-winged blackbirds flying around.

Looking at the shoreline where the our nature trail is.

We were able to navigate along the shore line where our nature trail is. This is the view of the bog area that you can see from the nature trail.

A muskrat lodge.

The view of the wedding site from the water.

Mama goose laying on her nest.

Great view of the Fish Hatchery. Look at all that water flowing!

Ended with a great sunset from the deck of the Barn.