Boulder Junction Winter Fest

You couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day for the 2nd annual Winter Fest in Boulder Junction. Winter Fest was held on Boulder Lake and all proceeds are used to help maintain all boat landings on Boulder Junction area lakes. There was an ice fishing contest, ice golf and driving contest, snowshoe relays and tug-of-war, and snow baseball. Free chili, hot dogs, cookies and hot chocolate was served all day. 

26 inch Walleye...nice fish


4 holes of ice golf using clubs and a tennis ball. Next winter there just may be an ice golf course on White Birch Lake!


Over 50 people tried their hand for the prize for the longest golf drive. Using a driver and a tennis ball, the winning drive was 238 feet.


John's team didn't win the relay race, but his team did win the tug of war. Sorry no pictures of the tug of war, Sue was serving chili in the food tent.